Saturday, November 12, 2011

Online Workout Videos

My day started off slowly with me lounging around my apartment until I deemed it warm enough to head outside for my run. When I got out there around noon I kicked myself for waiting so long since it was gorgeous out the the numbers were clearly lying. It didn't feel like 48 degrees at all!

After a quick 3 mile run at a 9:50pace I returned home to bake some treats for tomorrow. My girlfriends and I are heading to the Meadowlands to watch the Patriots play the Jets and do some tailgating before hand!

This afternoon I tried two workout videos I found on They have a bunch to choose from and I selected an into to Crossfit and an 18 minute Total Body Workout inspired by Capoeria.

Here's the breakdown of the Crossfit Video:
Warm Up
20 Walking Lunges
10 Scorpion Kicks
5 Hand Walks

WOD 1 10 mins
10 Deadlift
10 Burpees
15 Butterfly Sit Ups

30 Squats
1 min run

WOD 3 7 mins
Push Up 5 rep
Hollow Body Rock 10

18 Minute Total Body Workout 
(do as many as you can in 30 seconds then move on)
Squat Jump
Bottoms Up
Backside Burner
Bencao Sit up

I was definitely feeling it by the end. I'm not crazy about all the moves but I will certainly blend the two workouts together for a great at home/on the go workout.
Capoeria Kick Out 

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