Saturday, October 16, 2010

Here we go

I created this blog 30 days prior to the nyc marathon. I feel under prepared and wanted to spend the next 30 days dedicated to my training. Years ago I had read that it takes 30 days to create/form a new habit and I figured that I could use the blog as motivation not only for the marathon but also for any goals I wanted to set for myself. My thought is that on the day I set a goal for myself, there will only be 30 more days to go until it is a habit of mine and not as much of a struggle. If I can do something for 30 days, I can make it part of my life.

I will probably work on more than one goal at a time and most likely will fail at a few along the way. I hope that I can become the person I want to be and accomplish the things  I set out to do.

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