Friday, November 18, 2011

Lunchtime Stroll Around Downtown

Jury Duty is incredibly boring and so far has been a huge waste of time. Today they gave us a two and a half hour lunch break. Why? I have no idea. What does one do when they have two hours to kill and nothing at all to do? Why walk around and pretend to be a tourist of course!

I wondered toward the South Street Seaport first and found these great chairs along the water on the third floor. I sat in the third chair from the left and ate the lunch I brought from home. I  assumed we'd only have a short lunch break and didn't want to spend most of it waiting in line with the thousands of others who take lunch at the same time. 
The view to the north. That's the Brooklyn Bridge and behind it is the Manhattan Bridge. I  was also able to see the Queensboro bridge but couldn't get it in the picture. I have fond memories of running bridges during the marathon but am glad I don't have to do it again for awhile. 
I love this part of the Seaport. The old buildings, cobblestone streets, and outdoor seating make me feel right at home!

Christmas tree at the South Street Seaport. 
I've already started counting down to Christmas!
After leaving the Seaport, I walked up Fulton St and treated myself to some froyo from Red Mango.  From there I decided to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. The red building that says Pier 17 on the side is at the Seaport and the chairs I sat in for lunch are on the left side of the building near the old ship. 
One of the things that always makes me laugh are the number of photo shoots  I see. They go on all the time in the city and its not uncommon to turn a corner, or in this case, walk across a bridge and find on in progress.
These poor girls were running back and forth on the bridge in 30 degree temps.  To bad they weren't running a bit further than maybe they would have warmed up. 

Quick! Get the tiny models some warm coats!
Looking south at the Financial District. 
Walking back to Manhattan. 
I think that little church is so precious. Its tiny and often gets lost among the larger buildings surrounding it. 
See how small it is compared to the buildings around it!
Walking around the large building to the left of the church. You never know what you'll see downtown. 

The city has done a great job updating many of the older plazas. I would love to eat lunch or read a book here in the summer. 

The famous Law and Order courthouse. No, I did not serve jury duty here. We're in an ugly building a few block north of here. There are a million cops in there pictures because the Occupy Wall St people were yelling about something ridiculous nearby. 

Looking south to all the building in the above pictures. This is where my walk ended as I returned to courtroom 94 . 

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